During our volunteer hours we will have fresh picked produce available for suggested donations. This website will keep you up to date as to what is in season. Feel free to drop by on one of those days and bring home some fresh produce. No volunteering necessary to take home produce.
Summer Produce Hours
2012 Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday mornings
subject to change
Tuesday and Thursday mornings
subject to change
Please check this website for updates before you come.
Produce will not be available on rainy days.
The Garden at BCHMCPS
165 Bearses Way, Hyannis
165 Bearses Way, Hyannis
Please email thegardenatbchmcps@gmail.com
to arrange pick-up.
to arrange pick-up.
Please bring plastic bags/storage containers with you.
We can't wait for you to come and see all of the wonderful produce that our students' have grown. By donating to our cause, you will help jump start next year's crops! Thank you for all of your continued support
Photo courtesy of Lower Moyagmensing Civic Assoc.